Monday, 18th July 2022
As we get closer to the end of the term, we get closer to our exciting events! On Tuesday 5th July at 9am we will be hosting a planning meeting for our Summer Fair. If you would like to help out at the Summer Fair which will be held on Monday, 18th July 2022, please come along to the meeting to see how you can help.
Summer Fair Donations needed
Please help us make our summer fair special. We need your help!
Please donate the following;
- Teddy bears/ Soft toys – From Monday 4th July – Friday 15th July
- Unwanted clean uniform – From Monday 4th July – Friday 15th July
- Cakes and biscuits – Monday 4th July before midday
One of the stalls we will be having at the fair will be a teddy tombola. For this we are asking for donations of teddy bears that you might not want any more at home. Please bring these to school and leave them in the teddy donation box which will be located in the school office.