Our aim in Grange school is the same for every single child. We want all our pupils to have the best education. That will look different for each one of them. We all think differently, we come at things in different ways; we have different strengths and weaknesses. That is what is so special about the Grange school family – we are all the same and equal, but different. We celebrate our diversity.
Aims and ethos of our school
All at Grange work with parents and the community to create an environment where everyone feels safe, valued, cared for and supported. The children are at the heart of all we do. We want them to be the best they can be in all aspects of their lives.
In July 2009 Grange pupils voted for the core values of ‘Love, Hope, Co-operation and Respect’, which they felt summed up our school ethos. If our children are able to reflect these core values, they will have all the social skills and moral understanding they need to take their place in this ever changing society and the future world of work. The four core values underpin everything we do at Grange in our aim to have a happy school.
We believe learning should be exciting, stimulating and challenging. We regularly review our curriculum to enable the children to learn through experience. As we are fortunate to be so well placed near the centre of London, we make sure that educational visits to museums, art galleries and places of cultural and historical interest are an integral part of learning at Grange.
Our commitment to equality
We are privileged to learn and work within a diverse community. A wide range of faiths, languages and cultures are represented in our school. Our core values enable children and staff to respect and value the rights of others, encouraging everyone to treat everyone else equally, ready to take their place in society. We consider any behaviour or attitude that threatens these rights as prejudice and we are committed to challenging prejudice wherever and whenever it arises.
There has been much said recently about the British values of: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Whereas we believe that all children should have a voice and be encouraged to develop their self-esteem and confidence, we will always challenge an extreme view, which we perceive as an attack on a particular faith or culture and will work with families to ensure mutual respect at all times.
We do not allow racist, sexist , or prejudiced name-calling, or harassment of any kind at this school. We do not want any child, group of children or individual to be made to feel inferior or left out of the life of the school. We want all children in this school to have equal opportunities in their work, play and relationships, so that they can develop, achieve and exceed their potential.
The work we do to facilitate children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development at Grange will support our commitment to equality of opportunity. Pupil Voice is sought at all times and encouraged through the work of School Council and the fact that Grange is a “Telling School”. All pupils are expected to have responsibility for others as well as themselves and must tell adults about any behaviour that is of concern.