Dear Parents,
What a busy week we have had at Grange. On Monday the Year 4 recorder performance to their parents and Mr Graham. I was told that they played beautifully and was sad to have missed their great performance. On Thursday myself, Miss Matheson and the EYFS team welcomed some of our new starters at the Stay and Play session. It was fabulous to meet so many of our new pupils and begin to get to know them.
Next week we will be saying bon voyage to our Year 6 pupils who will be travelling to Surrey for their three-day residential adventure. We are sure they will have a fantastic time and hope the weather improves for their trip.
Carnival, Summer Fair and International food festival
Thanks to all the parents that have let us know what they can contribute to our annual carnival and food festival. To make the event even better this year we will be holding a few games stalls for the children, have a bouncy castle and our dance troupe will be performing.
Our carnival will begin at 2.15pm on Friday 19th July so please come and join the parade around the streets! After the street parade, the gates will close for a short time in order for us to set up the fair which will begin at 3.30pm