Dear Parents,
What a great week we have had. On Tuesday year 6 visited the seaside. A great time was had by all in Margate. They were lucky with the weather and had a fabulous day. Well done to all the children that attended the adults were really proud of the way in which you behaved, your sensible attitude on the journey and safety on the beach.
Year 6 were not the only ones to enjoy a day out this week. On Friday reception visited the park for a morning of fun and games. While away our new reception children visited and had a lovely morning meeting some of the adults they will be working with next year.
Southwark Local Authority visited us on Monday to see how well Maths is being taught across the school. They spoke with some of the children who expressed how much they enjoy maths lessons and the way in which it is taught. If you would like to find out more about the way, we teach maths at Grange please look at our website!
In September we will be running parent workshops which will help you to support your children at home with their mathematics.