Dear Parents, Carers,
Thank you for the support you have shown with our new behaviour policy. Once the policy has been ratified by our Governors, we will upload it to our school website. The children are coping well with the new changes, and you will be pleased to hear our Dojo prizes have finally arrived! Look out for the fancy pencil prizes on Friday at the end of the day.
This week we have adapted the timetable, and children have started to eat together in the school dinner hall. Year groups are still separated, but all children are now receiving a hot meal at lunchtime each day.
Towards the end of this term, I will be reviewing the meals offered by our provider to ensure the meals provided are delicious and healthy. We have also deployed more adults into the playgrounds to ensure playtime is a fun, engaging space for your children to play in.
I hope you have a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week.