Dear Parents, Carers,
What a busy week! Thank you to all of those that have donated to Odd Sock Day and Children in Need. Well done to Miss Cormier for organising both of these events. Look out for our odd sock day posts on Instagram and Twitter, especially the one from Earth class, which we are proud to say was retweeted by the Department for Education!
This week we have looked at reading across the school, it was nice to visit each class to see what the children were reading, and to see the reading skills being taught. Miss Laurie will be doing some further work with the teachers in the Spring term to develop reading further. Remember to read each day with your child for at least ten minutes!
Nina Dohel the Director of Education visited us on Wednesday and she was pleased to see the creative activities taking place. She was even treated to afternoon tea in nursery! I have met with many parents this week, please remember to call the office and arrange an appointment to see me or a member of our SLT team if you need to discuss any issues with us. You may have noticed that Mr Brennan has been missing this week, we are pleased to announce that this week Mr Brennan’s wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Mr Brennan will be back with us on Monday, but taking some paternity leave later in the week.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish the family well, and say a huge congratulations to them all.