Dear Parents, Carers,
What a Wintery week we have had, the weather is certainly colder! Please make sure your children are coming into school in warm clothes, and all scarves, hats and gloves are named. We have had lots of absences this week with colds and coughs, as well as a few confirmed cases of COVID-19. As you have heard in the press the cases of COVID-19 are rising again.
We are continuing to regularly wash and sanitise our hands with the children, remain in phase bubbles where possible and have a staggered start and end time to the school day. Adults will continue to regularly clean throughout the day and wear masks in communal areas, and when meeting you all. We will be limiting winter performances to one ticket per family, and reminding you all to keep a social distance. So that we can continue to see you all on a face-to-face basis, we would like to encourage you all to wear a face covering, unless exempt, when collecting your children at the end of the day and to socially distance. Please try hard to follow the COVID-19 safety rules so that we can keep your children safe here at school, and so you are all able to have a lovely winter holiday.
This week we were visited by our School Improvement Partner from the Local Authority. Together we completed a Learning Walk, and looked at English and Maths books from across the school. We were particularly impressed with the behaviour for learning, beautiful class displays and learning areas.
Well done to our boys football team who have come 2nd in their league, and have now been invited to play another league at Crystal Palace Football Stadium. The match will take place next term.
Our children have continued to have their wellbeing yoga sessions this week, which they have thoroughly enjoyed. If your child’s class has not yet received their session, do not worry as these are continuing for the next few weeks! Thank you to everyone that contributed to Children in Need and Odd Socks Day. We raised a total of £247.19, which we have sent to the charities on your behalf.