Dear Parents and Carers,
World Book Day takes place on Thursday 3rd March 2022 and we would like to invite you to join us in helping your child to make the most of this special occasion. There will be many activities taking place during the school day as well as things to celebrate at home.
The Wooden Spoon Challenge – Home Learning Project
Children are invited to get creative by transforming a wooden spoon into their favourite book character! Look out next week for a letter with more information about this.
Book Characters Galore
To celebrate World Book Day, we are asking the children to come to school on Thursday 3rd March dressed as their favourite book character. We will be holding a parade in the playground (weather permitting) and there will be certificates for the most original costume in each class!
FREE BOOKS – Thursday and Friday – ALBERT McKenzie Hall
There will be a stall with lots of books aimed at the younger ones for you to take and keep. ALL BOOKS MUST GO!
Parents read to children
We would love it if you could read with your child throughout the week, and let them fill in their reading records to say they have heard you read.
Thank you for your continued support!