Dear Parents,
Welcome back, we hope you had a restful half term. This week we have been visited by our school improvement partner from the local authority. Writing lessons were observed across the school and some fantastic teaching and learning was seen.
A learning walk was completed, maths books looked at, lunchtime play observed despite the rain and middle leaders spoken to regarding history, science, PSHE and the PE curriculum. I am really proud to report that the local authority are very pleased with the great progress being made at Grange. They are really impressed with the work the children are completing, the learning taking place and the quality teaching they have seen. A huge thanks to the whole Grange community for the support in further raising standards
Tutorial Day
Thanks to those of you that attended tutorial day to see the progress your children have made. It was lovely to see so many children talking to you about their learning so far this academic year. Thanks to all of you for completing the parent questionnaire. We have analysed your feedback and will continue to listen to ways in which we can further improve the school.
School Uniform
Please remember to label all of your children’s items of clothing. We had a number of unnamed jumpers and cardigans left in school at the end of last term. Unnamed items are impossible to return to their owner! Additionally, if you have any items of uniform you no longer need as your children have outgrown it. Please wash the items and donate them to the school office for our next nearly new sale.
I hope you have an enjoyable weekend and will see you all on Monday at 8.50am.