Dear Parents,
What a jam-packed week we have had! It has been great to see everyone back with such focus and all of our nursery and reception children settled. Please remember to look at our school Instagram and Twitter page to see what your children have been up to each week. Unfortunately we will be saying goodbye to a few people this week, Miss Sophia Tutty will be leaving us today to begin her maternity leave. We would like to wish her the best of luck and can’t wait to meet her baby when he or she finally arrives. We also say goodbye to Mr Andrew Johnson who has left the Grange family, I am sure you will join us in wishing him all the best for the future.
Please remember that jewellery is not permitted at school. Small sleeper or stud earrings and an analogue watch can be worn. If inappropriate jewellery is worn by pupils they will be asked to remove it and it will be returned to you at the end of the day. We appreciate your help with this.
PE Kit
Please make sure your child brings in their PE kit on the correct day and is wearing appropriate footwear. Failure to bring in the correct school uniform kit will result in detention. Please ensure children are wearing blue or black unbranded shorts or tracksuit bottoms, a plain white t-shirt and the correct footwear for PE. We thank you in advance for your support.
Long Hair
It is imperative that children tie back their hair at school. Tying back hair prevents accidents happening. In addition, it will help reduce the spread of headlice from child-to-child. Please make sure your child’s hair is tied back appropriately and coloured hair and extensions are saved for the weekends.
Water Bottles
It is really important that your child stays hydrated during the day, please make sure they are sent to school with a water bottle daily. Please help us to identify your child’s bottle by clearly labelling it with their name.
School jumpers
We have had a huge number of children misplacing their school jumpers and cardigans this week. To help us locate your child’s belongings please make sure their name is written inside on the label. Please also speak to your children about putting their belongings on their peg carefully to ensure items are not misplaced. If you find your child has lost an item of clothing, please check lost property before asking staff to help locate items. During the school day, the children move around to multiple locations and jumpers can be left in many places. We know it is costly and frustrating when an item of clothing is lost but please try not to take your frustration out on our staff.