Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been another busy week at Grange. This week we introduced our new behaviour system. Thanks to all the parents/ carers who have provided feedback and supported our decisions. I have spoken with many of you this week, and I get the impression you are happy with the system we have put in place. We have high expectations of your children and expect them to come to school each day ready to learn.
We ask that you work with us and reinforce our value of respect with your children at home, we ask that you talk to your children about sharing their problems and trusting we will support them with any conflicts they might have. If you need to speak with me regarding the policy, or you have concerns please email or call the office to arrange an appointment.
Many children from our school took part in sporting events this week organised by LPESSN (Southwark school sports team). We are very proud to announce that Amira in Pluto class came 1st out of six schools that took part, this is a huge success, well done Amira!
Next week we will be sending details out about coffee mornings where you will be able to find out about the way in which we teach reading at school, and how you can help your children at home. Please look out for posters and further information during the week.
I am happy to announce we have had one parent express an interest in becoming a parent governor. We still have one vacancy so if you are keen on supporting the school please email your statement of interest to
I hope you have a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week.