Dear Parents,
We are nearly at the end of term and what a jam packed half term it has been. Children have enjoyed many varying activities including yoga, drumming, cycling, and making slime to name a few!
Next week we will be treated to a performance from our Year 4 pupils who have been learning how to play the samba drums this term. This evening Year 5 will be performing at the Royal Festival Hall. Well done to all our musicians.
On Monday we will be sending home some information about our new start and end times after Easter. Please make sure you familiarise yourself with our new start and end time for the school day and the rules and procedures for collecting and dropping off your children. From 19th April school, will start at 8.55am for all pupils in Reception – Year 6 and end at 3.30pm.
On Friday 1st April 2022, we will be holding our first face to face Tutorial Day. Please ensure you and your child attend school in time for your appointment. Appointments will be twenty minutes long and give you the opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher. You will get the chance to look at your child’s books, see their classroom and find out about your child’s learning. It is your parental responsibility to attend these appointments and we look forward to seeing you all there.
On Thursday early years will be holding their first celebration day. This is your chance to come and see what a day in early years looks like. Activities will be set up for you to join in with your children and see how they learn through play. Please come along for the hour on Thursday morning between 9.30 and 10.30am.
This open day is for current nursery and reception parents only.
At last the sun is shining, let’s hope it continues for the weekend! Enjoy the next few days and we will see you next week.