Dear Parents,
Welcome back to the last term of this academic year. We have a busy few weeks ahead so please keep an eye on the dates list. We have made a few minor changes to accommodate some amazing trips. Our carnival and international food festival will now take place on Wednesday 19th July at 2pm so please put this date into your diary.
For the next two weeks I am afraid I will be unavailable. I have been called for Jury Service so will not be present at school. However, I will be contactable via email should you need to urgently speak with me. During my absence Miss Farhana Sultana, Miss Amanda Matheson and Mr David Bucknal will be available in my place.
Please ensure any meetings are booked with them via the school office. I will be in daily contact with staff and the leadership team at Grange during my absence and the local authority and Governing body are aware. Have a fantastic weekend and I will see you in a few weeks