Dear Parents,
We have come to the end of the Spring term. May I take this opportunity to thank you all for the continued help with your children’s learning and for the continued support you have shown us. I would like to wish all of you that celebrate a Happy Easter and Happy Eid al-Fitr. Have a fabulous celebration and we will see you all after the holiday.
School council fundraiser
Well done to the school council who have raised funds to support our play equipment. We can’t wait for this to be ordered for us to play with after the holiday! Thanks to Mr Bucknall for organising this two-day event.
Writing displays
The children have worked hard with their writing this term and the classes have produced some wonderful writing displays in our middle hall. Make sure you look at Instagram to see some images of the great displays that have been created.
Uniform/ PE kit
Please remember to ensure your child is dressed in full school uniform including correct shoes and a full PE kit. Incorrect PE kit may result in your child receiving a detention. We will hold a nearly new sale in the first half of next term so look out for the reminder and grab a bargain!
Club registration
Don’t forget to sign up for our clubs after school for next term. Spaces are filling up and we would hate for your children to be disappointed. I hope you have an enjoyable holiday and look forward to seeing you all after the break on Tuesday 16th April at 8.50am.