Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! It has been lovely to see you all this week and welcome the children back to school. We hope you enjoyed the break, are well rested and ready for a new term. We have a short but busy term ahead.
Homework and class newsletters
This terms homework and class newsletters will be handed out by today. Please make sure you read them carefully, PE times have changed for some classes, and you will be able to find out about the topics your child will be studying this term.
Published Data
We are pleased to announce our results from the KS2 2024 SATs tests was published over the holidays. These results are the best the pupils and school has achieved for the past 5 years and we are really proud of the children, teachers and hard work of the whole school team and families. Our results are above the national picture and this is something we are proud of. 63% of pupils achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths. 73% of pupils achieved the expected standard in SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) with 35% of these pupils achieving at the higher standard.
Reading Together Sessions
It was lovely to see so many of you turn up for the reading together sessions last Monday. Moving forward we will be asking you all to sign in and wear a reading together visiting badge. At the end of the KS1 session at 3.25pm you will be asked to leave the classroom and wait in the playground for your child to be dismissed. This is for safety reasons as we cannot have you all wondering around the school. We thank you all in advance for your support here.
Term events
This term we have several events to look forward to. In January the children will be learning about Holocaust Memorial Day, the Lunar new year and taking part in National Storytelling Week. In February we will celebrate Number Day, Safer Internet Day, Mental Health Week and take part in an intra school sports competition. Please make sure you keep an eye out for information about these events.
Personal Items
Please avoid sending your child to school with precious items (toys, keyrings, jewellery). Where items are a necessity if your child walks home alone such as a mobile phone, please speak to them to ensure all personal items including money are handed to class teachers in the morning each day. All classes have a small safe for items to be stored securely. If items are not handed to school staff we will not be taking responsibility for them. Several items have been lost lately and staff have spent a large amount of the day searching for these missing items to find them in playgrounds, under cupboards and sometimes discovering they have simply been left at home.
I hope you have an enjoyable weekend, and we will see you all on Monday at 8.50am.