Dear Parents,
We have had a great week at Grange. This week the senior leadership team have been visiting classes to look at maths across the school. It has been lovely to see so many children working hard in mathematics. Please remember to practise the basic number facts with your children at home, helping them access timetable rock stars and Mathletics, going over number bonds and multiplication facts, spotting shapes in the local area, cooking and measuring at home. Next week we will be setting end of year targets for each pupil across the school which we will share with you at parents evening towards the end of this term.
KS2 Reading Meeting
Don’t forget to attend Mr Grahams Reading Workshop on Monday morning for Years 3,4,5 and 6. Find out how to continue to support your child at home and what you can do to help them succeed. The meeting will begin shortly after drop off 9.15am) and take place in the Albert McKenzie Hall.
As the weather is getting colder, please make sure you send your children to school in a named coat and named jumper. We have multiple jumpers in lost property already which have no names on them. Please remind your children to pick up their jumpers and please, please, please, help us by writing their names in their clothing!